Richmond Renaisssance's mission is to Revitalize Richmond’s Macdonald Ave corridor and 23rd Street to ensure Richmond becomes an arts and culture destination.
We envision using public art to create engaging and interactive art installations. We support events that connect our multiple communities, bringing residents and visitors together to enjoy our rich history and diversity and that encourage community arts at every opportunity including mentorship, employment, and growth opportunities with top priority for the Richmond community. We are determined to engage volunteers and thought partners to support the arts and culture in Richmond along with a multitude of artists, local officials, and businesses that share our vision.
Our charge is different from any other work being done in Richmond. We are a community advocacy group working to be an integral part of the safety network of Richmond collaborating with city government and multiple communities and organizations to ensure the safety of our communities.
We advocate for equitable distribution of public arts funds throughout all of our communities, celebrating our outcomes widely and frequently while uplifting our black and brown communities that have historically been underserved. The Arts have the power to inspire, save lives, transform individuals, change communities and cities and promote economic development while creating a more vibrant and inclusive community. And, we realize that yesterday’s solutions will not address today’s needs.
We create and unite communities through the Arts and we envision a thriving arts scene for everyone.