Thank you for your interest in joining the IAM Board of Directors!
The IAM Board of Directors is currently recruiting to expand its membership and welcomes your interest. Our goal is to recruit 10 board members by Summer 2025 representing a diverse spectrum of skills, experiences, and communities.
Our mission is to steward and empower independent art and media projects that foster community and civic participation, and facilitate cultural engagement and free expression.
Through fiscal sponsorship, IAM builds community and horizontal networks to facilitate resource sharing, program collaboration, and audience and community development. Our ultimate vision is to strengthen a culture of democracy by cultivating arts and media projects that engage neighbors in civic life.
In 2024 IAM received over $5 million to support our fiscally sponsored Affiliates. We currently support over 150 affiliates dedicated to non-commercial work in media and the arts, including publishing, theater, dance, music, visual art, film and video, journalism, history, and public-events production.
The fundamental legal responsibilities of the IAM Board is to provide oversight and accountability for the organization. Board members serve as a guiding body, providing insights and actionable steps to navigate a path toward IAM's mission, vision, and values.
How to Apply
If you are interested in Board service with IAM, please review the IAM Board Prospect Kit & Questionnaire. To apply for Board membership, please submit the completed Questionnaire to IAM’s Executive Director Lisa Burger at lisa@artsandmedia.net. (Please contact Lisa for a Word or Google Doc version of the Questionnaire.)